Supporting us, so we can support you!
Community Outreach Initiatives
There's so much more to Tsitaga Farm than just...a farm. We're well ingrained in Ionia County and work hard to promote a better place to live.
Many of our customers and community members struggle to feed, clothe or care for their families, and we realize that. We partner with our local church and community schools to help bridge the gap.
Saranac Teen Laundry & Essentials Closet
Located in the Saranac Jr/Sr high School
The Goal:
To allow every student with any level of need the ability to feel good about themselves by giving them the opportunity to take care of necessary laundry, personal care, and/or food needs.
Anti - Expectations:
Atmosphere of non-judgement- A teen, no matter what their perceived level of need, should never feel shamed or intimidated when a need arises and help is requested.
Teen years are tough. Kids need to feel like they have a place to turn to for inherent and basic needs that arise.
Anonymity and Privacy:
Key to making kids feel ‘safe’ to request assistance.
Helpful Attitude:
No child should be made to feel they are a burden. Teens requesting assistance should always feel welcomed to do so.
ALL students are welcome to use this room and its contents at their leisure. No one should ever be turned away nor made to feel as though they are not welcome or that their need is not valid.
Clara Maureen's Baby Pantry
The Clara Maureen Baby Pantry partners with the Saranac food pantry to support families in need around the villages of Saranac and Clarksville providing diapers, wipes and formula.
The Saranac Lions Club is a proud supporter and sponsor of our pantry allowing us to fall under their non-profit status, making your donations tax deductible!
The more you know. The more you grow!